Vice Admiral Peter Hudson
Distinguished Fellow
Vice Admiral Peter Hudson joined the Royal Navy in 1980, specialised as a warfare officer and retired in 2016. He held numerous commands including the T23 ASW Frigate HMS NORFOLK and was the first Captain of the assault ship HMS ALBION.
Senior seagoing appointments included leading the UK’s Amphibious Task Group, serving as a coalition task force commander in the Gulf and, as a Rear Admiral, commanding UK Maritime Forces; an appointment which involved time as the operational commander of EU Naval Forces for Counter Piracy off Somalia and service as NATO’s on-call High Readiness Force (Maritime) commander.
Ashore, he led Naval Strategic and Financial Planning in the MoD for several years and served as Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (Capability) shaping future capabilities and force development. On promotion to Vice Admiral in 2013, he commanded NATO’s Maritime Command at Northwood and was the senior operational maritime advisor to Supreme Allied Commander Europe.
He retired from the Royal Navy in 2016 and after spell advising NATO HQ on structural reform, he joined BAE Systems as their senior maritime advisor and sits on their Maritime/Land Board.