Neil Fraser
Director Defence & Space Programmes NSSLGlobalBiography
Neil Fraser joined NSSLGlobal as Director Defence and Space Programmes in early 2020 to help to shape and grow the defence communications side of the business, focused on MOD programmes and working across the defence and space community. Prior to this he spent 6 years growing Viasat’s presence in the UK.
Before joining industry, he spent 26 years in the British Army leading organisations up to 600 strong. He completed 3 tours in Afghanistan including: the initial entry to Kabul soon after 9-11 commanding 216 Parachute Signal Squadron; working in a US Task Force across Afghanistan with government and civilian agencies in 2004-5; and then, having reformed the Regiment, commanding 22 Signal Regiment providing UK defence communications across the country in 2008-9. He also served in the Balkans, Northern Ireland, as a Joint Operational Planner and with Armoured, Airborne and Commando forces.
He has Masters degrees in Design of Information Systems and Defence Studies. For 3 years he led a 60 strong team responsible for the delivery of satellite and strategic radio communications projects and services to UK forces worldwide, largely through the Skynet 5 Private Finance Initiative. With a deep understanding of user needs and the challenges of meeting these needs he is passionate about ensuring those serving in harm’s way can be best served.