Gretta Fenner
Managing Director, Basel Institute on Governance
Transatlantic Response to Illicit Finance Taskforce Member
Gretta Fenner is the Managing Director of the Basel Institute on Governance and Director of its International Centre for Asset Recovery. Under her leadership, the Basel Institute has grown into an agile and global organisation with 90+ staff and an extensive network of partners in anti-corruption and good governance at the highest national and international levels.
Prior to joining the Basel Institute, Gretta worked at the OECD as the manager for anti-corruption programmes in the Asia-Pacific region. She has advised a wide range of stakeholders on governance and anti-corruption topics, as well as organisational change, development processes and policy design. Gretta is a political scientist by training. She holds bachelor and master degrees from the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany and Sciences Po Paris, France, plus an MBA from Curtin University Graduate School of Business, Australia.