Emilie Cleret
Associate FellowBiography
Emilie Cleret is a Franco-British academic and educator, who specialises in transformative pedagogy for leaders. She is currently the Head of the English Studies Department for French Higher Military Education, where she has created and manages academic programmes for both the École de Guerre - the French War College - and the Centre des hautes études militaires.
She has dedicated her 21-year-career to designing and launching English-language programmes for military leadership and managing their teaching and administrative teams, forging links between France, the US and the UK, and leading seminars on debating, public speaking, networking, and transformative learning. After two years of undergraduate study at the illustrious Maison d’Education de la Légion d’Honneur, she completed her Bachelor’s in British Literature and History and her Master’s (dissertation on Sir Walter Scott) at La Sorbonne Paris IV, before receiving her teaching certification from the French Ministry of National Education.
Emilie taught English as a second language in the French public education system for six years before taking on a role as teacher and course designer at the Army NCO Basic Training Academy in France. She has been the French representative to the NATO Bureau of International Language Coordination (BILC) since 2017 and manages multiple crucial partnerships between France, the US and the UK, including with RUSI, the State Department - Global Engagement Center, the National Defense University - PRISM, the Institute for State Effectiveness and George Washington University.
She is the recipient of the prestigious Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, the author of multiple articles on transformative learning and has given talks on leadership, critical thinking in education, and transformative pedagogy at the NATO BILC annual seminar, Columbia University, and the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center, among other venues.