Dr Ian Anthony
Programme Director for European Security, SIPRI
Ian Anthony, the Programme Director for European Security at SIPRI since February 2014, has a doctorate in War Studies awarded by the University of London. The main current focus of the programme is on politico-military challenges facing Europe.
Military Risk Reduction in Europe examines the rapidly changing military environment in Europe today, the challenges and prospects of managing military risks including the role of military-to-military contacts; the experience with sub-regional CSBMs in Northern Europe; and the experience with technical risk reduction measures such as incidents at sea agreements.
<Reassessing CBRN Threats in a Changing Global Environment assesses how the level and nature of risks posed by hazardous materials has changed since 2014, the measures being taken to manage risk today and the steps that might be taken to enhance the effectiveness of responses.
Strengthening Global Regimes analyses the response to confirmed cases of chemical weapon use to assess European contributions to promoting the effectiveness of key international security institutions.