Vice Admiral Rory A.I. McLean CB, OBE, 1950 – 2021

Vice Admiral Rory A.I. McLean CB, OBE

The Institute records with deep regret the passing of Vice Admiral Rory McLean, who, in addition to a distinguished naval career, was a Trustee and a tireless RUSI supporter.

Almost exactly two decades ago and while still serving as Assistant Chief of Defence Staff (Resources & Plans), Admiral McLean first volunteered to help with reforming the Institute’s administrative and management structures. After retiring from the Royal Navy in 2008, he devoted a large amount of his time to enhancing the Institute’s reach and reputation and consolidating RUSI’s finances. He served successively as a member of the RUSI Council (as the Trustees’ governing body was known at that time), as the Council’s Vice-Chairman and, more recently, as RUSI’s Vice President.

He seized every opportunity to connect the Institute to new supporters and donors. His most significant achievement was to help put in place the funding arrangements which enabled the Institute to buy from the Crown the freehold of its historic headquarters in Whitehall, an act which – as he was fond of saying - secured RUSI’s future for the rest of the 21st century.

Having helped steer RUSI through some of its most testing financial periods, Admiral McLean would have derived tremendous satisfaction from knowing that the Institute’s current financial position has never been stronger.

Our thoughts are with Kathryn Vagneur, his widow, who has also been a stalwart RUSI supporter, and the rest of his family.

Chair, Trustees, Director-General and all the RUSI Staff


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