RUSI State Threats Taskforce (STT) Assesses UK Response Options to the Current Threat Landscape

RUSI’s State Threats Taskforce (STT) held its second meeting on 10 May 2023, exploring efforts to counter the corruption of UK institutions, defences against cyber and information operations, and the priorities and coordination requirements of the UK government’s response.

The state threats landscape is rapidly evolving. Major state actors such as China and Russia are increasingly using a range of vectors to target the UK and its partners, including the exploitation of finance, abuse of cyber and alliances with criminal groups. In addition, associated and non-aligned countries contribute to the threat. A holistic UK government response is lacking, and this taskforce aims to help frame the UK response strategy and identify specific areas for policy action

Matthew Redhead

Senior Associate Fellow; Financial crime consultant and researcher

Three breakout groups discussed various avenues to strengthen responses. These include increased collaboration with the private sector, the need to make a business case for banks to engage in identifying and handling funds with malign intent, as well as the importance of international collaboration in cyber capacity-building and the involvement of civil society in building resilience.

Suzanne Raine, RUSI Trustee, said:

Since this is a complex and multifaceted threat, the UK government must focus and prioritise its response. One of the persistent challenges is that different parts of the UK government have different vested interests and capabilities and do not necessarily coordinate effectively. Fixing this requires political will and an honest assessment of vulnerabilities and strengths

Suzanne Raine

RUSI Trustee

Overall, the discussion stressed the importance of collaboration between government and the private sector, called for an outcome-driven approach to threats and stronger international cooperation, and underlined the need for clear political leadership.

RUSI’s State Threats Taskforce was launched in January 2023, with the aim of supporting the UK and its partners in detecting, understanding, attributing and responding to the spectrum of complex state threats currently facing democracies. For more information about the project and its members, please visit this page.

RUSI State Threats Taskforce (STT)

RUSI’s State Threats Taskforce (STT) aims to support the UK and its partners in detecting, understanding, attributing and responding to the spectrum of complex state threats currently facing democracies.


Matthew Redhead

Senior Associate Fellow; Financial crime consultant and researcher

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Suzanne Raine

RUSI Trustee

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