RUSI Named Think Tank of the Year


RUSI was named the 2020 Think Tank of the Year by Prospect magazine.

Announcing the prestigious award founded almost two decades ago, Tom Clark, Editor of Prospect magazine, said: "in a year which has shown how interconnected all our fortunes are, RUSI have shown that rare ability to join the dots".

The judges for the award concluded that RUSI deserved recognition for being a think tank "that is pushing at the frontiers of both technology policy and international relations, and finding ways to connect the two".

In naming RUSI as the top think tank in the Medicine, Technology and Science category, the judges praised RUSI's "vital" cyber work and the institute's pioneering research into the challenges posed by the ubiquitous globalisation of technology. The judges noted in particular RUSI's substantial contributions to the ongoing debate about the access which the Huawei telecommunications company should gain in the UK market and the shape of the 5G infrastructure, as well as the ability of RUSI's output to shape and inform the Government’s debate on these critical topics.

Responding to the award, Sir David Lidington, RUSI's Chair, said: "New technologies are changing the nature of the security threats that we face, and RUSI's programme of research and analysis is constantly evolving to keep pace with these developments. Every one of our research teams shares credit for this award, which is a tribute to the excellence of their work".

Dr Karin von Hippel, Director-General of RUSI added: "This is a recognition for all RUSI staff who have worked so hard to answer the pressing security questions of our day. The global pandemic has exposed underlying frailties in our global system. The Institute seeks to enhance the discussion on these issues and provide independent, practical and innovative analysis for a more stable world."

Watch Prospect magazine's Think Tank of the Year Award here.


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