Security think tank investigates British military and police over far-right radicalisation

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RUSI researcher Claudia Wallner said the aim of the research was to improve the ways in which extremism is tackled. "We are looking at the UK's police and military. From our research we know that there are these gender norms present in most military and police across the world," she said. "Their training environment and intensive boot camps play an important role in moulding them into members of its ranks. But joining, moving or leaving the group can help radicalise them. "So a big part of this is training and education. With this project we want to look at how things are in the UK police and military and what the implications are for preventative activities. "We want to use the knowledge from this research to see how we can improve measures ... to prevent violent extremism in the UK's police and military."

Watch the event recording: Far-Right Extremism in the Military and Police Forces - 17 November 2022