The Defence Reform Agenda
The Ministry of Defence will need clear ministerial and Defence Board guidance to introduce revolutionary new ways of working to ensure the department still operates coherently, following the major cuts to civil service numbers
Download the briefing paper here (PDF)
This RUSI/Cranfield explores many of the options for defence reform and calls for: military re-organisation away from single service orientation to increased jointery; financial organisational change to support the MoD’s need to understand better the costs of its outputs and activities, and; cultural change toward greater personal accountability and responsibility, leading to focussed and faster decisions being taken within a streamlined MoD that is set to lose a third of its civilian posts.
Released ahead of the findings from the Defence Reform Unit (DRU), who are expected to report to Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox shortly, the RUSI-Cranfield paper acknowledges that the crucial issue will be whether the Government presses clearly towards a more joint approach to defence, seeking to bring the three services together, or whether it will bow to pressure from the army, navy and air force for more control over their own futures.