The Reality of Being a Force for Good

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David Miliband, IRC President and CEO, writes a holistic piece that brings the themes of the essays together as a scene setter as well as posing what the future ‘critical tests’ are for UK foreign policy.

The UK Government has set out its aspiration to be a ‘force for good’ in international affairs. It is fair to say that it could hardly argue the opposite, but this collection of essays takes the stated ambition seriously. The prime minister, for example, has said that his vision for the UK’s role in the world is that ‘we should bring this country’s strengths and expertise to bear on the world’s biggest problems’. The foreign secretary has said she wants the UK to build a ‘network of liberty’.

This collection takes those statements and asks two related questions: what should be the priorities? And how are they to be achieved?

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Essay Collection: Britain as a Force for Good

Six Ways to Turn a Slogan Into Reality

Britain as a Force for Good: Six Ways to Turn a Slogan Into Reality

Published jointly with the International Rescue Committee, this essay collection focuses on how the Global Britain vision can be made a reality


David Miliband

President and CEO, International Rescue Committee

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